9th Dan - Uechiryu Karate

David Kelley is a 9th Degree Black Belt and a senior student of Buzz Durkin’s Karate School. He began his Uechi training in 1974 and, as a former law enforcement officer, has years of practical experience applying Uechi technique in the real world. Mr. Kelley is known for his dynamic movement and applying the soft and hard aspects of Uechi to perform devastating attacks and counter attacks. His in depth study and understanding of Uechiryu will make any participant in his seminar a better practitioner.

This year Seminar: Martial Arts Lessons from the Masters of Uechiryu

Down through the ages masters of karate have passed special martial techniques to their students. During the many years of my training, I have had the privilege of learning from Grandmasters and masters of Uechi ryu. In this seminar, I will reveal several martial lessons that were shared with me by Grandmasters of Uechiryu karate

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David Kelley