9th Dan - Uechiryu Karate

Hanshi Testa began his Uechi-ryu journey back in the 1960’s with Sensei Mattson at the Mattson Academy in Boston, MA. Recently retired from a career in business, Justin is now back with the Mattson Academy as a senior instructor to pass on the knowledge over his many years of teaching and practicing Uechi-ryu.

Seminar Title: Approaches to Analyzing Movements of Kata

Seminar Summary: This seminar will provide strategies for interpreting kata and uncovering applications of our Uechi-Ryu movements in self-defense.


1. Discussion:

  • Uechi-Ryu system strategy and types of altercations.

  • Principles: realistic attacks, flinch reaction, targeting, reaction to injury, slow practice.

2. Coaching:

  • Spinal reaction to injury.

  • Interpretations of movements from kata.

  • Movements from a close perspective.

Justin Testa