Michael Williams

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Modern Arnis - 5th Degree Black Belt | Pendekar Utama - Harimau Pasaman Pencak Silat

Guro Michael Williams has an extensive history of training in martial arts.Guro Williams has been traveling and hosting martial arts training camps to Southeast Asia with the grandmasters for over 20 years. A brief list of his credentials include:

  • Modern Arnis - 5th Degree Black Belt

  • Amok - Mataas na Guro

  • Oido De Caburata Arnis - Master Instructor

  • Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali - Master Instructor

  • Pin Sun Wing Chun - Sifu (Instructor)

  • Kuntao Silat De Thouars - Chuan Shu Sifu

  • Baringin Sakti Pencak Silat - Pendekar Utama

  • Awarded the title of Kyoshi in United Kyushinryu Kenpo Jujutsu Federation under John Savage, President/Founder

Guro Williams is the owner and chief instructor of the Martial Arts Research Institute in Salem, Ma.

Guro Williams and the Martial Arts Research Institute is the official United States representative of Pencak Silat Baringin Sakti, Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali & Oido de Caburata Arnis. Guro Williams is a member of Kung Fu Federation in Chinatown and voted as President in 2017. 

Adult Seminar: Kali - Baston/Stick Training.

Kid’s Seminar: Sharing Baston (stick) training. We will be teaching Kali & Silat (Filipino & Indonesian) Cultural Arts for Kids.