Presenter and Facilitator’s
page of the 2024
WIFI: HiltonHonorsMeeting
Password: UechiCon24
September 11th
Various traveling people arrive
Spaulding room available for storage
September 12th
8am: Armory will be open for us to setup
1pm to 5pm: Training classes in the front half of the Armory
6:00pm Master Candidate and announcers arrive to the Armory for Rehearsal
7:00pm: Master’s Testing in the front half of the Armory
8:00pm: Social in the back half of the Armory
Everyone in Business Casual Attire
Friday, September 12th
7:00pm: Master’s Testing in the front half of the Armory (Uechiryu Room)
Mr T -
Announce testing Panel
Presentation of Judan Jacket to Wharton and Yee
All Sanchin to be performed with Gi tops on!
Judan Candidates
Al Wharton to announce Leyn Burrows
Leyn performs Sanchin
Lauryn Eksoozian to announce Judy Durkin
Judy Durkin performs Sanchin
Leyn and Judy Perform Seisn
Mr. D talks about Leyn Burrows and Judy Durkin
Leyn and Judy perform San Sei Ru
Leyn and Judy join the Judan table
Dan Kelly
James Cameron Announces Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly Performs Sanchin
Rest of the candidates
Bill Adams – CJ Adams
Richard Koeblin – D Dovidio
Brenda Berkal - Traynor
Daniel Diskin – Stefanie Diskin
Jonathan Ross – Paul Trickett
Mike Carter - Traynor
Frank Paetzold
Erika Cross MacDonald
Brian Edmonds – N Stone
Michael Krikorian - Traynor
Candidate announcement
Rokudans first
Group photo with Panel in front and candidates in back
8:00pm: Social in the back half of the Armory
September 13th
9:30am to 11:30am: Training in the Front half of the Armory and in the Ballroom
11:30am; Buffet Lunch in Pierce, Webster and Stark room with the buffet tables along the glass portion of the Expo Center.
12pm to 4pm: Spaulding room recording for podcasts
12:45pm to 5:30pm: Training in the Front half of the Armory/Uechiryu Rooom and in the Ballroom
Everyone in Business Casual Attire
6:00pm: Mass interview with the masters candidates in the Ballroom/Dragon Room
7:00pm: Banquet in the Armory/“Uechiryu Room”
September 14th
8:45am: Opening ceremonies for Uechicon
9:15am to 11:30am: Training in the Front half of the Armory and in the Ballroom
11:30am: Buffet Lunch in Pierce, Webster and Stark room with the buffet tables along the glass portion of the Expo Center.
12:00pm: Graduation rehearsal
12:45pm to 3:45pm: Training in the Front half of the Armory and in the Ballroom
3:30pm: Book Signing in the Piscataquog/Merrimack Room
3:30pm: Dragon dance people in the Pemigewasset Room
Everyone in GI Attire
4:00 pm - Preshow (Entry video) begins at 4pm
4:15pm - Doors open for public
4:30pm - Dovidio live singing (starting around
5:00pm - David Kelley Opening and announcing the entrance of the 2024 Graduates
Candidates being lead in by lion dance
Candidates come in with flowers and give to loved ones
Traynor Opening Speech
Pastshot SlideShow
Student Creed (Jonathan Consetino?)
Presentation of Certificates
Durkin speech
PowerPoint with master graduates (Jon controls the PowerPoint)
Master Graduates come up and get their belts
Black Belt Oath (Matthew Whelan?)
Graduation video
Presentation of Black Belts
Graduate photos
Diploma hand-outItem description