8th Dan - Uechiryu Karate
Kyoshi Robb Buckland, an 8th Degree Blackbelt and Certified Nutritional Clinician (CNC) and Master Personal Trainer (MPT) (IFPA and NASM) and Weight Loss Specialist (WLS).
He has Blackbelts in:
Yoshitsune Combat Jujitsu
Joe Lewis Fighting System
Superfoot System
Uechi Ryu Karate Do
Robb Buckland is the founder of F.E.A.R.S. Combatives and as over 40 years in the martial arts and holds master level blackbelts in multiple martial arts and instructor certifications in combatives and defensive tactics from the world’s most prominent grand masters and trainers.
Mentorship by Soke DePasquale and Grand Master Joe Hess led Buckland to numerous film, television, and magazine appearances as well as attending advanced stunt at Action Film Academys & Action Film Stunt Schools.
Buckland served in the U.S. Army’s ‘Special Operations Group’ and in a security/executive protection capacity for performers; Joan Jett, Seigi Ozawa, Winton Marselles and others. Kyoshi is frequently featured in films and documentaries.
His seminar will incorporate Karate & Jitsu
Jujitsu without creating prior injury is just wrestling …….
“Let’s NOT wrestle “
Yoshitsune Combat Jujitsu a tribute to Michael Depasquale Jr